eDemocracy Carbon Budget Logo

eDemocracy Solutions Carbon Budget platform and engagement process is a comprehensive solution for communities that have adopted climate emergency declarations to plan how they will reach their Greenhouse Gas (GHG) reduction targets.

How does it work?

The Ethelo algorithm that powers the eDemocracy platform helps the community discover the optimal set of solutions that are most broadly supported based on the weighting of support for different options from participants. In the end, the result will be policies that are widely understood and supported and therefore have the best chance of being implemented successfully.

Learn more about Climate Emergency and Community Engagement

Why Carbon Budgets and Community Engagement are so Important

So we have declared a climate emergency…now what? Over the past decade communities have become more and more concerned about climate change and have tried to come at it from every way that they

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It’s time to act like this is a climate emergency

Climate change is an emergency, but to most people, it seems to feel more like a pesky problem that someone else needs to solve. It isn’t something that feels personal, urgent or fixable. It is

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