Old-fashioned democracy is not working in our modern world

Help us make it better. Join the eDemocracy Network

Work with us to design the eDemocracy Network

Joining the eDemocracy Network is totally free. There are no age limits, no minimum education, and no time requirements, because we believe a strong democracy is founded on diversity.

The eDemocracy Network will be a community of passionate, engaged individuals like you who want to…

  • Empower people of all backgrounds to have a say in the social, environmental, and economic decisions that affect them.
  • Help find solutions to society’s most divisive and complex problems (such as climate change, police reform, systemic inequality, etc.).
  • Equip grassroots organizers and elected officials with the data, strategies, and tools they need to enact real change.
  • Build a more equitable, inclusive, and fair approach to democracy.

Fill out this form to be among the first to help us build this community. We’ll reach out via email within the next few days.

help us Build the future of democracy